The man accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s California home and brutally beating her husband with a hammer appears to have posted racist and often rambling messages online, including some questioning the outcome of the 2020 election, defending former President Donald Trump Trump and echoed the QAnon conspiracy theories.

David DePape, 42, grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, before following an older girlfriend to San Francisco about 20 years ago. The suspect’s address in the Bay Area college town of Berkeley led to a mailbox at a UPS store.

He was a suspect arrested at Pelosi’s home early on Friday. San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said she expects to file multiple felony charges, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and elder abuse.

Stepfather Gene DePape said the suspect lived with him in Canada until he was 14 and was a quiet boy.

“As far as I could see, David was never violent and he was never in trouble, although he was very withdrawn and played too many video games,” Gene DePape said.

He said that he had not seen his stepson since 2003 and had tried to contact him several times over the years to no avail.

“In 2007, I tried to get in touch, but his girlfriend hung up on me when I asked to speak to him,” Gene DePape said.

The suspect was known in Berkeley as a pro-nudity activist who picketed naked in protests against local ordinances requiring people to be clothed in public.

Gene DePape said the girl his son went to California to meet was named Gypsy and they had two children. The suspect also has a child with another woman, his stepfather said.

Photos released Friday by The San Francisco Chronicle showed the suspect frolicking naked outside City Hall with dozens of others at the 2013 wedding of nudity activist Gypsy Taub, who was marrying another man. Taub did not return calls and emails Friday.

A 2013 article in The Chronicle described the suspect as a “hemp jewelry maker” who lived in a Victorian apartment in Berkeley with Taub, who hosted a local public television talk show called “9/11 Uncensored,” in which she appeared naked and fueled conspiracy theories that the 2001 terrorist attacks were an “inside job.”

A pair of weblogs posted online in recent months under the name David DePape have included rants about technology, aliens, communists, religious minorities, transgender people and the global elite.

An August 24 post titled “Q” featured a scatological collection of memes that included photos deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and made a link to QAnon, the a baseless conspiracy theory in support of Trump which supports the belief that the country is run by a deep state cabal of child sex traffickers, satanic pedophiles and baby cannibals.

In an Aug. 25 post titled “Gun Rights,” the poster wrote, “You have no more rights. Your basic human rights prevent Big Brother from enslaving and controlling you in a complete and total way.”

The WordPress web host removed one of the sites for which on Friday afternoon violation of its terms of service.

In different ways sitesomeone posting under the suspect’s name repeated false claims about Vaccines against the coronavirus infection covid and wearing masks, and questioning whether climate change is real.

There appeared to be no direct messages about Pelosi, but there were posts in defense of Trump and Y, the rapper formally known as Kanye West, who has faced massive backlash over recent anti-Semitic comments.

In other reports, the writer said that Jews helped finance Hitler’s political rise in Germany and suggested anti-Semitic the plot was involved in Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine.

In a message dated September 27, the writer said that any journalists refuse Trump’s false claims about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential elections, “they should be taken directly to the street and shot.”